Feel free to get in touch with us
80-831 Gdańsk, ul. Piwna 9/10
Mobile: +48 515 050 565
E-mail: restauracja@grupakos.pl
Codziennie : 12.00 – 22.00 / Piątek – Sobota: 12.00 – 24.00
Enquire about the table
To book your table please fill out the form below at least 4 hours before your planned visit.
If you are planning a party or your reservation is urgent, please give us a call at +48 515 050 565
We will confirm your reservation via email or phone so please ensure your fill out your details correctly.
See you soon!

A the heart of Old Town Gdańsk
KOS restaurant is located in the center of Old Town Gdańsk.
Gdańsk, ul. Piwna 9/10+48 58 301 09 09,+48 515 050 565